Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How to love your Enemy

We all have people who do not exactly like us, who do not see us as friends or colleagues; people who compete with us or wish we did not exist, such people can be regarded as enemies.

Though the best way to handle such people is complete avoidance. We should learn to stay away from such people to avoid being harm or hurt by their evil thoughts towards us.

We could also love them by praying for a change of heart for them, encourage them to go for counseling and even sharing some items with them. This could make the hatred melt away and transform the enmity to love. But we need to be really careful particularly those who threaten our lives.

Do you have any suggestions on how to love your enemy? We would like to know.

1 comment:

  1. You can also love your enemies by helping them out when they are in trouble to make them realize that you don't have an evil thought towards them.
