Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How to love Sex

Sex is more than a physical activity; it is more of an emotional expression of care and love. Most people have had sex countless times for various reasons and still do not appreciate it.

The best way to love sex is appreciating yourself firstly as an attractive person who can satisfy the one you love; secondly appreciating your loved one beyond physical appearances and the person's worth or value, but the beauty of the heart and character. Thirdly, do not try to act like porn stars or sex scenes in movies or romance novels, be natural. Fourthly, always express yourself during sex, if a particular move does not suit you alert your partner in a loving manner. Express where you want to be touched and how you want to be touched. Fifthly do not be over demanding as it may ruin the mood and affect your partner's ego.

How else can we love sex? Please share.

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