Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Eight places to go in Canada

Canada is a very large country and it would take a lot to go to every most talked about place in one visit. Some remarkable places to go are highlighted here.

Niagra Falls is popular for its romantic feelings and a great sight seeing spot.

Prince Edward Island is a great place to relax and spend the entire day on green pastures and red soil cliffs.

Lake Louise, Alberta is embedded among Canadian Rockies with many camp grounds in the area.

Churchill, Manitoba has a natural effect where the Northern lights are viewed. It has collide energetic charged particles with atoms particularly in high altitude atmosphere.

Butchart Gardens is referred to as a magical flower garden where nature is embraced and appreciated.

Science World Vancouver is a museum with five permanent galleries with everything science going on in there.

CN-Tower-Toronto is the tallest free standing structure in the entire continent of America.

Fairmont Hot springs is a natural thermal bathing centre of high temperatures. Activities like golfing, skiing and water rafting are practical here.

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