Thursday, August 3, 2017

Love is Natural Friendship

"Love is Friendship set on Fire"

For two people to become friends, it must take a special kind of love. Things unseen just naturally attract them together; they feel free and comfortable with one another.

Love is such natural friendship that it is the souls that bond first before the physical body does. This has nothing to do with what they have in common but with one purpose, they tend to be on the same path or journey.

Friends are precious and should be protected closely.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Light Up


We often live normal lives; lives that looks like the days are not moving, time is passing slowly and everything just seems a bore. We cannot keep complaining or nagging about our lives if we are doing nothing about it.

The first step to making a change happen is to accept where we are presently and look onward to the place we want to be. The next step is actually making a decision to achieve where we want to be. Take a trip, move to another city, make that phone call, write that letter, take up that job, whatever it is that would make your light shine to ignite the light in others; do it and do it now.

Life is short and there are rarely second chances.