Friday, August 7, 2015

Starting from the Bottom

Humble Beginnings
Little understood the value
Value of ascending in steps
Little steps like baby steps
Ascending in power
Looking back; counting the blessings
The view from the top
Always feels good
Remembering the adventures of the journey
Of starting from the bottom

Thursday, August 6, 2015


The closest unit
The place of friendship
First enemies are made here a Times
They are needed constantly.
Family makes a community
They heal and can kill
They can be good and bad
Family lifts and lets down
They can be angels and demons
They can help and break
They still remain family 

Saturday, August 1, 2015


People see God as a stranger who lives miles away;
They feel he is only needed when they are in a fix
People plan to talk to God tomorrow or next week
Or maybe when in a dilemma
But little do the people know God is nearer than the air they breathe
God waits for us to talk; make everyday conversation
People are expected to talk about everything and anything to God
God does not judge, neither does he mock us for failing
People fail to realize when we tell all our plans to God he perfects them
Ever given thought about how the sun rises?
Or how the air we breathe comes about?
How we escape evil and succeed daily?
People wise enough to give a little thought about how all is formed know there is God
Pause to think…
Pause to thank God…
Pause to Praise God…

Welcome to August

Hello Readers,
Welcome to August. We have been gone for a while and we are back to more writing, sharing and communicating. This month will deal with deep thoughts about life and living it.
Your comments are highly appreciated; from us here....