Monday, August 12, 2013

Taking a Stand against abuse

Abuse is of various forms; physical, emotional, psychological and sexual abuse. It is difficult for under aged to take a stand against abuse because they are too young to understand the implication of what is being done to them at that age. That is why it is necessary to educate our children on the various forms of abuse and encourage them to speak up when something in that nature occurs. As parents and guardians, it is necessary to be watchful-very cautious and knot all lose threats surrounding your young one.

Taking a stand against adults should be achieved by speaking up to some one you trust, report to the authorities and endeavor to seek help for the abuser. Most wives are abused in their homes and are too scared to speak up; this can be done anonymously to a friend or counselor online or physically. An abused person is not only saving himself but a lot of people out there unknowingly-so speak up today.

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