Monday, April 8, 2013

Pursuit of Scorpio

One thing that makes Scorpios stand out is what they pursue in life. Scorpios pursuit is to survive against all opposition in life. Born between October 23 and November 21, Scorpios are described as very courageous people. They do not shy away nor run from their problems; unknowingly, they aim at surviving all forms of opposition whether career, social life, family and political affiliation.

Scorpios are usually successful, trusting is minimal and determination is optimal. They swim through the ocean of life ducking against stormy tides and waves. Most Scorpios are defensive; they live on edge and are very watchful. They make good watchmen, watching their partners every move, watching their bosses closely and eventually become better at the job than the boss. Scorpios a times are insecure but very careful in life.

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